Kommissionierer Picker1 Picker1

2324 EUR
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Leistung:1 kW
Stück vorhanden:90
Motor:BLDC Brushless
Batterie:0,5 kwh
Farbe:Schwarz, Gelb, Orange
Einsatzgewicht:300 kg
Breite:1040 mm
Max. Geschwindigkeit:14 km/h
Länge:1400 mm
Gewicht:55 kg
Höhe:1100 mm
Betriebsstunden:8 Std.


Developed by industry professionals and mobility experts, Wamo is the leanest solution to the most complex problems. Wamo is a hybrid transition product aiming to fill the gap between conventional methods and automated solutions in material handling. Swappable Battery. Continuous Operation. Minimum Downtime. Technical Specifications : 300 kg maximum load capacity, Overall weight - 45 kg Swappable battery, One battery - 8 hours of shift, 6 hours to charge Overall width - 110 cm, Overall height - 110 cm, Overall length - 147 cm Turning radius - 185 cm, Load areas 40x60cm 300 Kg Carrying Capacity, 12 hrs Per Battery, 15 Min. to learn how to use, 5 hrs to fully charge Let's see what Wamo can do for you!

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