Carrello elevatore elettrico XC CPD35-XD4-SI26 | Official dealer XC CPD35-XD4-SI26 | Official dealer
42200 EUR
Vues: 1

Carrello elevatore elettrico XC CPD35-XD4-SI26 | Official dealer XC CPD35-XD4-SI26 | Official dealer
42200 EUR
**Additional options and accessories**
* Heater
* LED lamps
* Rotating beacon
**Machine description** :
The XC series new energy electric forklifts, covering range from 1.5t to 3.5t, is a series of products with new chassis launched by HANGCHA.
Innovative, reliable lithium-ion technology, which are developed jointly by HANGCHA and CATL. Battery cells and modules are from CATL, with reliable quality, exclusively for HANGCHA. Rapid charging and opportunity charging ensure continuous availability of trucks. Lightweight design, flexible, high level of energy eciency, maintenance-free, long service life.
**Masina kirjeldus** :
UUE XC seeria kahveltõstuki näol on tegu HC uusima elektritõstukite põlvkonnaga, mis on varustatud 80V-se Li-ion akuga, mis tagab tänu kiirele laadimisele senisest veelgi suurema efektiivsuse. Lisaks kiirele laadimisele on uue mudeli eeliseks ka peaaegu olematud hoolduskulud ning sahtlilaadne aku disain, mis tagab kiire ja lihtsa aku vahetuse. Garantii akule: 5 aastat või 4000 laadimistsüklit.
Uue seeria tõstukid omavad ka IPX4 veekindlust, mis tähendab, et on sobilikud ka välitingimustes töötamiseks.
**Mast type** : Triplex
**Collapsed mast height** : 2301 mm
**Lift mast attachment** : Lift mast attachment
**Cabin type** : closed
**Attachment type** : Fork positioner
**More information**
Drive: **Wheel**
Battery type: **lithium-ion**
General condition: **very good**
Please contact Carl Kuusk (+37254005690, [email protected]) for more information